kickstart install keeps asking questions
Artem Bityutskiy
2015-02-18 16:45:02 UTC

could someone on this list please help me with the following problem.

My objective is to deploy Fedora using the PXE boot + KS method in a
fully-automated manner. IOW, I do not want Anaconda to ask any

Now, I did manage to make it work, but I use a work-around which I would
like to get rid of.

So, the target machine is a server with multiple NICs. Only one network
interface is involved into the installation process, and I want anaconda
to completely ignore other interfaces.

The problem is: anaconda keeps asking questions about network

3) [x] Software selection ...pub/mirrors/fedora/linux/releas
(Custom software selected) es/20/Fedora/x86_64/os/)
5) [!] Network configuration 4) [x] Installation Destination
(Connecting...) (Warning checking storage confi
7) [x] User creation guration)
(No user will be created) 6) [x] Root password
(Password is set.)
Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'c' to continue |
'r' to refresh]:

So anaconda wants me to help it configuring the network.

And the funny thing is that anaconda already knows all the information
it needs. I can see it when I press 'c':

Network configuration

Wired (enp0s25) connected
IPv4 Address: Netmask: Gateway:

Hostname: xyz

1) Set hostname
2) Configure device enp0s25
Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'c' to continue |
'r' to refresh]: r

How do I make anaconda to just stop asking me and continue?

Now, here is the WORKING configuration - anaconda does not ask anything
with this

1. pxelinux.cfg

kernel /path/kernel
append initrd=/path/initramfs.img ifname=netif:00:1e:67:ac:44:f5 ip=netif:dhcp inst.ks=http://path/ks.cfg inst.sshd updates=http://path/upgrade.img nogeoloc nomodeset

2. KS

network --device=netif --bootproto=static --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --nameserver --hostname=myhost

No questions asked, all works as expected.

But this is far not ideal because:

1. I do not want to specify mac address in pxelinux.cfg, because I want
to have the same config file for many hosts with different MACs

2. I do not want to specify IP addresses in KS file for the same
reasons. Besides, DHCP works.

How do I make better?

I googled a lot, found various hints about using all kinds of


- no help. Keeps asking the question. And I tried really many

What I want is to make Anaconda just use the same interface and network
settings as were configured by the PXE boot process, and stop asking

Just as an example, I tried something like this with no success:

1. pxelinux.cfg

kernel /path/kernel
append initrd=/path/initramfs.img ksdevice=bootif inst.ks=http://path/ks.cfg inst.sshd updates=http://path/upgrade.img nogeoloc nomodeset

2. KS

network --device=bootif --bootproto=dhcp --hostname=myhost

(also tried to remove --bootproto, and --device, no success)

Could anyone in this list please help me with this problem?

Thank you!
