Network Dracut/Anaconda priority specification
Jiří Konečný
2016-03-11 14:55:20 UTC
Hi all,

please look on this PR[0] and comment if you think I'm wrong. I want to
use the diagram there as base for future specification to the anaconda
docs. Also I want to know if I'm not changing the behavior too much for

It's missing many parts but I found there are many blind spots for me
now so I want to remove them and document the Dracut/Anaconda network

[0]: https://github.com/rhinstaller/anaconda/pull/548

Radek Vykydal
2016-03-16 08:27:03 UTC
Post by Jiří Konečný
Hi all,
please look on this PR[0] and comment if you think I'm wrong. I want to
use the diagram there as base for future specification to the anaconda
docs. Also I want to know if I'm not changing the behavior too much for
It's missing many parts but I found there are many blind spots for me
now so I want to remove them and document the Dracut/Anaconda network
I dumped my understanding of the kickstart network configuration process
in http://wiki.install.bos.redhat.com/guides/network-config.
Post by Jiří Konečný
[0]: https://github.com/rhinstaller/anaconda/pull/548
The PR looks good to me. I don't think we are losing any sane way of
configuration with it.

