libblockdev reaches the 1.0 milestone!
Vratislav Podzimek
2015-05-21 18:08:03 UTC
A year ago, I started working on a new storage library for low-level
operations with various types of block devices -- *libblockdev*. Today,
I'm happy to announce that the library reached the **1.0** milestone
which means that it covers all the functionality that has been stated
in the initial goals and it's going to keep the API stable.

Read the blog post I wrote for more information:
Vratislav Podzimek

Anaconda Rider | Red Hat, Inc. | Brno - Czech Republic
Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
2015-05-26 01:56:31 UTC
Post by Vratislav Podzimek
A year ago, I started working on a new storage library for low-level
operations with various types of block devices -- *libblockdev*. Today,
I'm happy to announce that the library reached the **1.0** milestone
which means that it covers all the functionality that has been stated
in the initial goals and it's going to keep the API stable.
This looks very interesting. I don't see any function to deal with plain
old block devices though just LVM, MD Raid, etc.
Is this correct or am I missing something?

Vratislav Podzimek
2015-06-16 07:46:28 UTC
Post by Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
Post by Vratislav Podzimek
A year ago, I started working on a new storage library for low-level
operations with various types of block devices -- *libblockdev*. Today,
I'm happy to announce that the library reached the **1.0** milestone
which means that it covers all the functionality that has been stated
in the initial goals and it's going to keep the API stable.
This looks very interesting. I don't see any function to deal with plain
old block devices though just LVM, MD Raid, etc.
Is this correct or am I missing something?
Do you mean disk partitions? Those are not covered yet in libblockdev
(are part of the plan for version 2.0), but there's libparted providing
such functionality.

Sorry for such late reply, my filters put your email into a folder I
check only once in a while.
Vratislav Podzimek

Anaconda Rider | Red Hat, Inc. | Brno - Czech Republic