Ideas for complex storage visualization
Vojtěch Trefný
2014-11-18 15:57:45 UTC
I'm currently trying to find a way how to visually represent complex
storages (LVMs, RAIDs) in the blivet-gui[1] (and in the future for
anaconda too).

TL;DR version: Help me find a way how to visually represent storages, my
current ideas[2] sucks.

Even a simple Fedora installation on machine with a single harddrive can
produce quite a complex storage -- installation using encrypted LVM
results into seven devices with four level deep structure (luks-physical
volume-volume group-logical volumes).

The challenge here is to create a simple graphical representation of
this situation (and of course also not so standard storages with LVMs
over RAIDs and other weird configurations) that would be easy to
understand and could fit into application window[3] (leaving space for
other widgets).

I'm currently using system similar to GParted -- colored rectangles with
child devices "embedded" into their parents -- a little like rectangular
contour map --
Loading Image...
It looked like good idea but I think it is too complicated and hard to
understand with more "layers".

My second idea is derived from GNOME Disks --
Loading Image...
(just a mockup created using Gimp). Problem is it would need extra space
for some basic information (name, size...) and it would be worse for
more storages with more layers.

The idea I like the most is using tree-like visualization --
Loading Image...
-- it can show the whole complex structure of the storage, unfortunately
it would never fit into the window.

The result is I have three options that I don't like and I'm not able to
come up with something new or better. So I hope somebody will come up
with some amazing solution. Feel free to share all your crazy ideas and

Vojtech T.

[1] http://blog.vojtechtrefny.cz/blivet-gui
[2] https://vtrefny.fedorapeople.org/blivet-gui/
[3] Loading Image...
Máirín Duffy
2014-11-18 17:10:41 UTC
Hi Vojtěch!
Post by Vojtěch Trefný
TL;DR version: Help me find a way how to visually represent storages, my
current ideas[2] sucks.
So, I'm not saying these are awesome, but they are alternatives and
maybe food for thought - when we first did the design for the UI rewrite
we went through a lot of iterations about how to visualize storage -
IIRC we had to throw a lot of them out just because the widgets didn't
exist really and we wanted to keep things simple at first. (feel free to
correct me if I'm wrong)

Anyway these are rough unvetted mockups and subject to suck, that being

Loading Image...

This one is a combo of a cascading list (physical device > partition >
details) where the details pane gives you a baobab style / circular
diagram of the selected physical disk. Also tabs at the top let you
filter by type of device.

Cons: This doesn't give you a visual overview of all storage - just the
selected physical disk. Those slices can get pretty tiny too depending.

Loading Image...

Again we have tabs at top to filter on type of device. Main nav is a
list of devices. Right pane has configurable details and then another
list of the members of the selected physical device.

Cons: not really visual at all, just another idea on how to divide up
the screen.

Loading Image...

Let's call this one collapse-expand funkytown. The UI pattenr here is
accordion panels.... each physical device gets a panel, and when
collapsed the panel has a bar chart diagram of the space utilization on
the device. When expanded (as sda is in the mockup) then you get a
little config panel; click on the partition to switch what you're
configuring. This needs a lot more iteration, so it's mostly brain food
and not a readymade solution.

Loading Image...

Let's call this one deep dive, lol. This just follows a file manager
pattern. You go down and back up the tree through the breadcrumb at the
top. Maybe paired with left sidebar nav that shows the full
expandable/collapsible tree this could be made useful??

Loading Image...

Instead of a breadcrumb bar, a dropdown to switch between physical devices.

Loading Image...

This one is just weird. It's sort of a cascading list set up, but the
entries (partitions) in the middle list are colored differently based on
state, and their height is different depending on their size relative to
other partitions.

I'm doing a lot of tight deadline / last-minute hacking on the new
fedora website for the next 2-3 weeks, but when that gets out I could
maybe dive through some of my data visualization books and maybe we
could brainstorm some more?

One more thought - treemapping - but I don't know, I find them kind of
hard to read. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treemapping

Vojtěch Trefný
2014-11-18 22:49:24 UTC
Post by Máirín Duffy
Hi Vojtěch!
Post by Vojtěch Trefný
TL;DR version: Help me find a way how to visually represent storages, my
current ideas[2] sucks.
So, I'm not saying these are awesome, but they are alternatives and
maybe food for thought - when we first did the design for the UI
rewrite we went through a lot of iterations about how to visualize
storage - IIRC we had to throw a lot of them out just because the
widgets didn't exist really and we wanted to keep things simple at
first. (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)
Anyway these are rough unvetted mockups and subject to suck, that
This one is a combo of a cascading list (physical device > partition >
details) where the details pane gives you a baobab style / circular
diagram of the selected physical disk. Also tabs at the top let you
filter by type of device.
Cons: This doesn't give you a visual overview of all storage - just
the selected physical disk. Those slices can get pretty tiny too
The baobab style actually looks good. Right now I'm showing information
for one selected disk too[1] and users works with only one disk at time.
Post by Máirín Duffy
Again we have tabs at top to filter on type of device. Main nav is a
list of devices. Right pane has configurable details and then another
list of the members of the selected physical device.
Cons: not really visual at all, just another idea on how to divide up
the screen.
Let's call this one collapse-expand funkytown. The UI pattenr here is
accordion panels.... each physical device gets a panel, and when
collapsed the panel has a bar chart diagram of the space utilization
on the device. When expanded (as sda is in the mockup) then you get a
little config panel; click on the partition to switch what you're
configuring. This needs a lot more iteration, so it's mostly brain
food and not a readymade solution.
Let's call this one deep dive, lol. This just follows a file manager
pattern. You go down and back up the tree through the breadcrumb at
the top. Maybe paired with left sidebar nav that shows the full
expandable/collapsible tree this could be made useful??
Instead of a breadcrumb bar, a dropdown to switch between physical devices.
This one is just weird. It's sort of a cascading list set up, but the
entries (partitions) in the middle list are colored differently based
on state, and their height is different depending on their size
relative to other partitions.
I'm doing a lot of tight deadline / last-minute hacking on the new
fedora website for the next 2-3 weeks, but when that gets out I could
maybe dive through some of my data visualization books and maybe we
could brainstorm some more?
No problem, blivet-gui is now in early development still missing lot of
core features so better visualization could definitely wait (some
visualization is there and works).
Post by Máirín Duffy
One more thought - treemapping - but I don't know, I find them kind of
hard to read. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treemapping
Ok, that is really weird. I think this would make the storage harder to
understand :)
Post by Máirín Duffy
[1] https://vtrefny.fedorapeople.org/blivet-gui/blivet-gui-window.png
Máirín Duffy
2014-11-18 17:12:24 UTC
Post by Vojtěch Trefný
TL;DR version: Help me find a way how to visually represent storages, my
current ideas[2] sucks.
One more thought - I find baobab's rings chart really intuitive to
understand... you could even start it at the level of all devices.

Gene Czarcinski
2014-11-18 20:24:17 UTC
Post by Vojtěch Trefný
I'm currently trying to find a way how to visually represent complex
storages (LVMs, RAIDs) in the blivet-gui[1] (and in the future for
anaconda too).
Please do not forget to address (deal with) btrfs. Besides single
device btrfs-volume with multiple subvolumes, you can also have a
multi-device btrfs-volume configured as raid0/1/10 (and real soon now
raid5/6). While recovery with raid1/10/5/6 currently leaves a lot to be
desired (to say the least), it will be there "real soon now" and should
be handled.

Vojtěch Trefný
2014-11-18 22:58:43 UTC
The visualization part is same for btrfs (sub)volumes and raids/lvms.
But blivet-gui currently supports creating btrfs volumes including raid
levels and managing subvolumes (currently partly broken). Still lot of
features is missing but I'm working on it.

Post by Gene Czarcinski
Post by Vojtěch Trefný
I'm currently trying to find a way how to visually represent complex
storages (LVMs, RAIDs) in the blivet-gui[1] (and in the future for
anaconda too).
Please do not forget to address (deal with) btrfs. Besides single
device btrfs-volume with multiple subvolumes, you can also have a
multi-device btrfs-volume configured as raid0/1/10 (and real soon now
raid5/6). While recovery with raid1/10/5/6 currently leaves a lot to
be desired (to say the least), it will be there "real soon now" and
should be handled.
Anaconda-devel-list mailing list
David Cantrell
2014-11-24 14:52:46 UTC
Post by Vojtěch Trefný
I'm currently trying to find a way how to visually represent complex
storages (LVMs, RAIDs) in the blivet-gui[1] (and in the future for
anaconda too).
TL;DR version: Help me find a way how to visually represent
storages, my current ideas[2] sucks.
Even a simple Fedora installation on machine with a single harddrive
can produce quite a complex storage -- installation using encrypted
LVM results into seven devices with four level deep structure
(luks-physical volume-volume group-logical volumes).
The challenge here is to create a simple graphical representation of
this situation (and of course also not so standard storages with
LVMs over RAIDs and other weird configurations) that would be easy
to understand and could fit into application window[3] (leaving
space for other widgets).
I'm currently using system similar to GParted -- colored rectangles
with child devices "embedded" into their parents -- a little like
rectangular contour map -- https://vtrefny.fedorapeople.org/blivet-gui/storage-visualisation1.png
It looked like good idea but I think it is too complicated and hard
to understand with more "layers".
Quick request/comment. No embedded colored rectangles, unless it
supplements another system. Or really, do not make it so I cannot see what
is on my disk.

Post by Vojtěch Trefný
My second idea is derived from GNOME Disks -- https://vtrefny.fedorapeople.org/blivet-gui/storage-visualisation2.png
(just a mockup created using Gimp). Problem is it would need extra
space for some basic information (name, size...) and it would be
worse for more storages with more layers.
The idea I like the most is using tree-like visualization -- https://vtrefny.fedorapeople.org/blivet-gui/storage-visualisation3.png
-- it can show the whole complex structure of the storage,
unfortunately it would never fit into the window.
The result is I have three options that I don't like and I'm not
able to come up with something new or better. So I hope somebody
will come up with some amazing solution. Feel free to share all your
crazy ideas and thoughts.
David Cantrell <***@redhat.com>
Manager, Installer Engineering Team
Red Hat, Inc. | Westford, MA | EST5EDT
Adam Williamson
2014-11-28 23:44:16 UTC
Post by Vojtěch Trefný
I'm currently using system similar to GParted -- colored rectangles with
child devices "embedded" into their parents -- a little like rectangular
contour map --
It looked like good idea but I think it is too complicated and hard to
understand with more "layers".
One thought I have on this (just the one! That's all I got!) is the
'children and parents' view is possibly the wrong way to go about this.

Any way I try and think of representing it in a way where you drill down
a single Correct sequence - presumably drives to containers to volumes,
or something - winds up not being right for all cases, and a real pain
to try and represent consistently.

I definitely prefer the approaches of Mo's which give up on the idea
that you can always start from one view and drill down the same basic
'flow' to wherever you're trying to get to, and instead accept that hey,
maybe sometimes you want to look at partitions on disks, sometimes you
want to look at volumes in containers, sometimes you want to look at
members in sets. I guess I'd sort of expect GUIs for those situations,
and then links of some sort between the flows - when you're looking at
partitions on disks, you can see when a partition is a member of a
container, say, and switch to an appropriate level of the 'containers'
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net